This is Qwerty. My ginger kitten, my bower bird, my monkey boy, my laptop sitter. He's cheeky and he's into everything. He discovered the cut out words on the table and quickly spread them over the floor. He sits on my bookcase next to the candle holder and knocks the pebbles from the base onto the floor, watching and listening in delight as they drop. He raids my bedside drawer and carries off strips of tablets. He opens my jewellery box and hides necklaces in the laundry basket.
He supervises me in the shower, he supervises the washing up, turns on the roomba vaccuum cleaner and stalks it around the room. His curiosity knows no bounds and he fills me with delight. He even has his own blog: Lord Qwerty Byron
So there has been not much collaging lately, but that will change. I just need to put it back on the table and let him join in if he wants to. Who knows? Maybe he will come up with his own poem. Stay tuned.
But here's one I prepared earlier. Enjoy...

1 comment:
Hi you might be interested in some poems by Geelong poet colin leslie who is Australia's leading erotic poet -his poetry has been archived by the National Library of Australia for being of cultural value
"Gamahucher Press/colin leslie dean was selected for preservation by the National Library of Australia. This title is scheduled to be re-archived regularly. The publisher's site may provide more current information."
You can view/download all his free poetry from\
here is some of his Sufi/mystical poetry all free for view/download
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